Expat ExpressionsExpat Expression #9How have you opened your heart to the people in your location? What have you learned in the process?
Expat ExpressionsExpat Expression #8What was an obstacle you faced as an expat for which you needed fortitude then gave thanks afterward?
Expat ExpressionsExpat Expression #7Are you seeking to become an expat? Then it is important for you to learn and understand the local context of your location.
eLearn/ServicesGroup Expat Coaching - Start Your Expat JourneyAre you an aspiring expat? Are you interested in working in higher education abroad? Group Expat Coaching is your ticket to learn and plan.
AdviceResilience is Essential for Living Abroad So having a coping toolkit and support can help improve your enjoyment of your journey of living abroad.
Expat ExpressionsExpat Expression #6Build a community, take a new outlook on life all while learning about the culture and traditions of your new location. Explore the world!
Expat Expressions2019 Expat Expression - Holiday EditionAs expats, the close of the year is a magical time to reminisce on all our experiences. #expats #expatlife #thankful #reflection...
Thankful ThursdayThank You - Thursday #3We are expressing #gratitude for our readers and subscribers for your support our the past year, 2019.
Expat ExpressionsExpat Expression #5We all define home differently. Where is your home at this moment?
Thankful ThursdayThank You - Thursday #1Expressing #gratitude for business and entrepreneurial advice and support.